Monday, August 5, 2013

Rainbow Cake

I was watching some videos about cooking, like I normally spend my days, and I stumbled upon a video and this cake:
Immediately, I was super excited to try this out, since I've always wanted to make something yummy and rainbow. Of course, I fell into some troubles, since I only have two 9" pans, and I needed to cook six cakes. Before you start cooking though, you need the recipes. These are the things you need:

  • Cake batter
  • Vanilla buttercream frosting
  • Food coloring 
  • 9" cake pans
  • Toothpicks
First we have to start with the cake batter. This whole cake is completely homemade. When I made the cake batter, it seemed I didn't have enough, but I didn't want to make another whole batch of batter. I recommend to double the recipe, to make thicker layers, since you are splitting the batter up. Here is the recipe:
  • 2 1/4 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/3 cups of  granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
First, you want to preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The baking time depends on if you double the recipe or not. If you don't double the recipe, then each cake cooks for 10 minutes. If you do double the recipe, bake for 20 minutes, then check and put in for longer if needed.
To start the batter, I used a Kitchen Aid standing mixer, but you can use a hand mixer if you choose. Start by putting all the dry ingredients in your bowl (flour, baking powder, sugar, salt). Then start the mixer and drop in cubes of the butter. Once mixed, the mixture should resemble lumpy grain. Turn back on mixer and add your vanilla, then slowly add the milk, make sure to pour the milk at a constant speed, evenly distributing the milk. Then, add the eggs one at a time until fluffy and light. 
Now comes the fun part!
Evenly distribute the batter among 6 bowls. I used a cookie scoop to pour equal amounts in the bowls. I started by scooping one cookie scoop of batter into each bowl, then a second, and keep going until no batter was left. With me, I got about 5 scoops of batter into each bowl until I ran out. If you double the recipe, you should get about 10 scoops of batter in each bowl. 
Now that that is done, you need to pick out your food coloring. I used neon gel colors. You need to squeeze some in each batter bowl and then mix it up until there is no white left. Now, all that's left is to bake!

Once the cakes are done baking, leave them out to cool, and now it's time to make the frosting. I used a basic vanilla buttercream frosting. I suggest doubling this recipe too, since I ran out since you need to frost between each layer. Unlike the photo, I also left my frosting white and didn't color it, since I did a design on top instead. 
Here is the frosting recipe:
  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine
  • 3 cups powdered sugar 
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 4 tablespoons milk
Use your standing mixer again or your hand mixer. Basically, start by creaming your butter with your mixer and then gradually pouring in the sugar. Start with 2 cups of the sugar and then add your vanilla, and about 2 tablespoons of the milk. Mix and then add the rest of the sugar and the milk. You should get the creamy mixture, and if it's not sweet enough, you can add some more sugar if you like. Now you can frost!!
Some people decide to split up the frosting and color them the rainbow too, but I kept mine white. But, I did add a design. I made circles of food dye around the cake and dragged a toothpick down the top. Here's what it looked like:

This is actually the common design for icing donuts, but I thought it would be cute on the cake!
Finally, it was time to dig in!

Oh, and I would advise freezing your cake before you frost the outside, and then freeze a little before cutting it. This will help keep the layers from spreading into each other. 

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